Google Tools

Struggling to read or write long paragraphs?  Google has a few tools to try.

Open a Google Chrome browser and sign in.  Go to Docs and create/open a new document.  Click on “Tools” and go to “Voice Typing”.  Turn it on to speak.  The computer will now turn your speech to text.

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Read&Write for Google Chrome adds an extra toolbar above your documents (see “Add-ons”).  You can highlight, copy and past text into the document and click on the “Practice Reading Aloud” icon.  This will open a new screen where you can listen to the text, read and record it and listen to your own voice.  If you’d like to, you could send your recording to your teacher.  Use this function to have to computer read a variety of articles, stories, instructions, etc. to you.

The add-on “SpeakIt” can be used to read a selected text directly.  Merely highlight the piece, right click and choose “SpeakIt” on the menu.  The voice will then start reading the text.  Try it with these old songs and rhymes.

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